What will your New Year resolutions be?
As soon as the wrapping paper is cleared away and the last scrap of turkey eaten, it’s a good time to look towards the coming year, rather than reflecting on what could have been, should have been or you’d like to have been in the past year. It’s easy to start the New Year with a list of resolutions or challenges but as soon as work kicks in, in full force these get confined to the recycling bin of life (“I’ll do that next month/year/millennium”). So set yourself just one or two realistic tasks for each month. Perhaps it’s stop work half and hour earlier and exercise; or paint that room that you’ve meant to do for the last 5 years. Give yourself a timescale – within a month is a good start – and a reward at the end – ‘if I do this then I’ll treat myself to a night out/away’. Its good to start on a positive note and little steps to a better life can give huge dividends. Now where do I start? Think I’ll pour a glass of wine and think about it….